Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jacob's first day of school

Here he is - his first day. He wouldn't stand still for a second! He had talked about this day for weeks and looked forward to it with great anticipation.
His teacher had told me to drop him off like I would any other day so he would know what to expect for the second day, so I did. Then I went in to get some pictures. I dropped him off outside the gymnasium in the drop off line. The headmaster is always outside to greet us when we stop at the ramp. There is a long line of cars and we all wait till we are at the bottom of the ramp and then the kids get out and go up the ramp into the gym where they all sit in rows according to class. The headmaster then officially greets everyone and they begin the day with Scripture and prayer. Then each class is led to their classroom by their teacher. This is Jacob in the Kindergarten row.
Here he is getting up and ready to go for his first day!
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School days

So my little boy is in kindergarten. I can hardly believe it. During the days when I walk past his room I still feel a little lonesome for him. I doubt the feeling is mutual and I'm glad. The first day he was just a little nervous about getting out of the van at the drop off point. He reached for me and I reminded him of what he was going to do and where he was going to go and then he got his confidence and was out of the van and up the ramp to his first day. Now when I drop him off, he jumps out of the van and literally runs up the ramp. In the rear view mirror I watch his little backpack bobble up and down on his back as he bounds into school.
He loves going to school. He loves recess and P.E. best. He loves playing with the other kids. He is learning a lot already. He knows 3 songs and the school verse. The songs are used to teach facts. One song taught the days of the week, another the items on a calendar and the last taught the 7 continents. He loves memorizing, and loves to sing the songs for us whenever we ask.

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